
How to uninstall mozilla firefox from windows xp
How to uninstall mozilla firefox from windows xp

how to uninstall mozilla firefox from windows xp

More details on the security issues are listed in the release notes. The 3.5.x tree of Firefox will continue to receive security updates for 2 more months, so it is time to prepare to jump to 3.6.x very soon. YAY!įirefox 3.5.10 also was released and corrects for 9 vulnerabilities of which 6 are rated as critical. This is a very useful feature for those of us who keep many many tabs or windows open during the course of the day and get very irritated when you open that one website that has some odd flash or quicktime media that causes the plugin to abnormally end. Should a plugin crash or freeze while viewing a website, Firefox now allows the plugin to crash without taking down the entire browser.

how to uninstall mozilla firefox from windows xp

In addition, this release of Firefox provides much better handling of plugin crashes. The full list of vulnerabilities corrected is located in the release notes. Earlier today, Mozilla released the newest version of Firefox.įirefox 3.6.4 corrects 7 vulnerabilities which range from critical issues such as denial of service or arbitrary code execution bugs along with a few lower level issues.

How to uninstall mozilla firefox from windows xp